How to Leverage Video Search for Your Content

President & CEO at B&FPS
Daniel is a Search Marketing Consultant with 20+ years of expertise in Search Engine Optimization and Brand Development. He has a Master’s (MS) in Interactive Technology from the University of Alabama, a Bachelor’s (BPA) in Public Administration from Barry University, General Business from the University of Michigan-Flint School of Management; specializations from the University of Michigan, professional development from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, and is a proud Belen Wolverine!
Daniel P. Borbolla
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When it comes to online content, video is definitely where it’s at. In fact, research shows that it could actually make up 80% of all online traffic in the coming year.

If that doesn’t tell you that video content is getting more and more popular, then this should: According to Hubspot, 43% of people want even more video content.

There are plenty of ways for you to start using video (if you haven’t done so yet), or increase your use of video (if you’ve already started the process).

Get Video Featured Snippets

If you create video content in chunks so that each section has a clearly-defined mission, there’s a good chance Google will pull that content out and use it as a featured snippet.

Boost your chances of this happening by making sure to optimize your video SEO with things like tags, titles and descriptions.

Finally, make sure you have a highly-accurate transcription and that you’re not relying on YouTube to auto-generate them for you. Some auto-generated transcripts might be serviceable in some cases, but accuracy is key when it comes to video search Google SEO.

Improve YouTube Channel

According to research, YouTube has become one of the more popular ways that people search for things online.

Its video upload and video search web features have helped YouTube become the best video search engine, and one of the most popular search engines around.

Use Videos For Yourself

When writing your content, make sure to create blog posts that include video in order to reduce the number of people who ‘bounce’ from your page too soon.

Videos should be located towards the top of the page to draw in your audience, but make sure not to overload the content with it. Too many embedded videos could slow down your page load time considerably, amongst other problems.

How Can I Search a Video?

In order to search for a video, all you need to do is type in the keywords as you would any standard Google search. If the search term you type in has any video content associated with it, you’ll see them appear right alongside the regular text results.

Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Videos’ link that appears at the top of search results pages to only view video results.

Can You Reverse Google Search a Video?

The first thing you need to do is navigate over to Google Images, click on the camera icon inside the search bar, then drag your video or image to perform a reverse Google search. Results will show up just like a regular search would.

How Do I Watch Videos on Bing?

Navigate to the video section on Bing and from there, you can search/view a whole host of relevant videos available for that topic.


Video search marketing is definitely the future and if you’re not optimizing your website for it, you’ve already fallen behind.

Look for ways that you can leverage using the reverse video search engine or search by video upload Google features to boost your content and provide more value to your readers.

We hope you learned something today about video search. Visit our blog for more articles and subscribe to learn more about search engine marketing!

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